After the rumors about the processor and the huge battery, cameras that might be coming in the Galaxy S5, we are now hearing that Samsung is considering to place a Quad HD screen with the screen resolution of 2,560 x 1,440 and along with that, there would be a fingerprint scanner as well as an Iris scanner. Imagine, having such a beautiful display, would really be good for the users, or would it drain power unnecessarily? Because, this is the resolution that you see on a 27-inch iMac from Apple.
According to BGR, contrary to the earlier rumors, Samsung will be launching two versions of the Galaxy S5, where the difference would be in the material used for the exterior – Plastic and Metal.
The Galaxy S5 with a metal body is quite certain, as suggested by a report as Samsung is seriously looking to move ahead of the plastic construction they have used in several Galaxy devices, and the S5 being the next best flagship device, the company would be looking to make the best that remains the best choice for the entire year.
The Galaxy S5 with a metal body is quite certain, as suggested by a report as Samsung is seriously looking to move ahead of the plastic construction they have used in several Galaxy devices, and the S5 being the next best flagship device, the company would be looking to make the best that remains the best choice for the entire year.
There are several concept photos and videos being sent by the designers and fans but Samsung hasn’t said anything officially about the next Galaxy. Taiwanese company Catcher was one of the first to get a deal for the metal casings for an upcoming smartphone from Samsung, and there are expectations that it could be the S5 for which Catcher is going to start the production soon.
A video showing the concept of the Galaxy S5 showed quite a lot of high-end stuff and if this is all true, we are going to see a beast. That includes a 64-bit octa-core chipset, 3GB of RAM and a 5-inch (yes again a 5-inch one) with a better resolution, i.e. 2560 x 1440 pixels. The latest Snapdragon 805 processor was launched with the 16-megapixel camera support, and thus we are going to see a 16MP camera in this, and it would record 4k videos. The Android 4.4 KitKat OS is obvious, and we expecting to see a 4000 mAh battery packed in.
A video showing the concept of the Galaxy S5 showed quite a lot of high-end stuff and if this is all true, we are going to see a beast. That includes a 64-bit octa-core chipset, 3GB of RAM and a 5-inch (yes again a 5-inch one) with a better resolution, i.e. 2560 x 1440 pixels. The latest Snapdragon 805 processor was launched with the 16-megapixel camera support, and thus we are going to see a 16MP camera in this, and it would record 4k videos. The Android 4.4 KitKat OS is obvious, and we expecting to see a 4000 mAh battery packed in.
But, this is just a fan-made video. And still, we would be pretty happy to see if all this comes to reality.